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C-Tel 0800

Add a C-Tel 0800 number to your marketing toolkit today, they're a cost effective way to make it easy for your customers to get in touch with you.
Our great rates allow you to increase your advertising campaign response rates and effectiveness with minimal investment.

Q. What is a C-Tel 0800 number?
A. C-Tel's 0800 numbers are numbers that people can call you on for free. Any calls made to the number are charged to your C-Tel account. Unlike other 0800 services you do not need to terminate the number to a landline or mobile number . you simply configure it like any other C-Tel number on your preferred equipment and when customers call the number your phone will ring. Our 0800 numbers are provided with all our advanced phone features including Locate Me and our Auto Attendant service so you can easily direct and manage your calls. You can even present your 0800 number as your outbound caller ID so that customers can call you back for free!

Q. How much does it cost?
A. C-Tel 0800 lines are $10 + GST /mth. Calls from payphones cost an additional 22c + GST/min and mobiles to your 0800 number are charged at 19c + GST /min and calls from landlines are 5c + GST /min. 
If you are on one of our monthly plans 0800 calls are included in our worldwide plan destinations. 

Q. Can I choose my own number?
A. Yes you can. If you would like to request a specific number please test it first to see if it is in use and if not then use our toll free porting form to make request. To do this:
1. Log into C-Tel portal, select Plans and Services and then Port a number to C-Tel
2. Select New toll free request as the port type from the drop down box
3. Enter the number you wish to request into the blank field
4. Enter the email address you want us to use to contact you about the toll free request
5. Click Submit

If the number is already allocated the form will return the text "The number chosen is not available". Please select a new number if this happens. 

Q. Can I port my existing 0800 number?
A. Yes you can - please see our 0800 Porting Guide.

Q. Is any reporting provided?
A. Like all our other numbers you will get real time call records in C-Tel portal for your 0800 number.  You can run reports and download in CSV or Excel format for analysis.

Q. How do I get one?
A. You can add an 0800 number from our preallocated range to your account via C-Tel portal. Select Plans and Services and then Add New Lines to My Account. Select Regional Phone under line type and Toll free under Calling Region. If you wish to request a specific number please contact support, please note a setup fee will apply.

Q. Can I block calls from mobiles and payphones?
A. Yes you can. To do this log onto C-Tel portal and select the Caller ID and Rejection Options setting. Callers will be played an audible message that says "The party at the number you have dialed has decided not to take calls from your location."


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